Something Is Missing.  

Posted by Heather

So I got a new devotional book, one that I have heard to be recommend and has all sorts of acclaims. I bought it on Choir Tour. I started reading it. Each day it showed me new things and new insights. However, last week I was reading it and I came to a sentence that literally stopped me in my tracks and has caused me great ponderment...not a word, i know...over it. "There is not much the Lord can do with a crushed soul." Really? Really? Reading that sentence really made me think. I don't know what the author was trying to say by that sentence. All I know is that it completely and 100% contradicts everything I have heard and believe in as a Christian. How can one say that the Lord, the Almighty, the I Am really can't do much with a crushed soul? When did we start putting limits on our Lord? When did we start saying He can't do things? Something is Missing.