Birthdays and Majors.  

Posted by Heather

To the left you will see one of the most precious people in the not me, silly people. Julea of course.

On June 28, 2005 she was born and now she just has everyone wrapped around her finger. Of course look at her, why wouldn't we be?
It's so weird that 3 years has passed. She was born during the summer of my Senior year in High School and her I am now in the summer of my Junior year in College. For some reason that just seems so odd to me. To think of how time just flies by like that. I can remember what I wore the day she was born and that was 3 years ago.
However, I am really excited to get started back at school.
This may seem weird, since it is July and I still have a month of freedom from the horrors of classes. However, I am so excited to start in the ART MAJOR. NGU finally got the final word from SACS that we can go ahead with the 4 year degree. This is too exciting for me because now I might actually graduate on time and I'll have my Art degree. TOO AMAZING.
God definitely blessed those prayers. Had NGU not gotten the go ahead from SACS I would have been up the creek without a paddle. I seriously wouldn't have graduated until maybe 2011. BAD PLAN. So this is definitely exciting for me, and I'm sure others who were in the Intersdis. Art program or in the Associates program. Currently I am trying to decide if I will go to Grad school It would be great to experience a Grad program in Photography and get all that knowledge and experience under my belt. Right now I'm just trying to decide if I would be burned out by then or not, and where I would go. Clemson and USC are the obvious options. I've looked into both their programs recently and they both are substantial and would offer great opportunities. Clemson is closer and in a town I know a lot better than Columbia. Also, Finch lives there, if she did her Grad school there it would be great to be able to be around her more and stuff. However USC's Photography program has a little more to offer educationally. That would be a big move for me. I'm very happy living in the Greenville area. However that is all up in the air and stuff. Also I could do my Grad at an actual Art school like the one in Charleston or SCAD in Georgia. We shall see.
Hmm. i would give you some music to jam out to or check out now but I can't think of any...except, Coldplay's new cd and Death Cab for Cutie's new cd are both good options if you want to look those up.

While Others Write on Things of Importance, I Write of Randomness  

Posted by Heather

Okay, so I was sitting in my room today and I got the notion that I am quite possibly one of the most random people in existence. Now, accepting this quality in myself, I decided to take it upon myself and write a few random facts about me so that you might get a better idea of what I mean. Ready? Here we go.

Random Fact #1
I have an amazing obsession with writng utensils. I love going shopping for new pens and new pencils. I buy them as much as most people buy toilet paper. If it looks remotely cool I will pick it up and examine it more thoroughly and decide if it is worthy of joining my collection of writing utensils.

Random Fact #2
Along with the writing utensils obsession comes an obsession for anything school supply related. I love walking down the school supply aisles in Wal Mart or Target and just staring at all there is to choose from. This notebook or that one? This folder or that one? So many choices, so many things to occupy my some what A.D.D. mind. I love to color coordinate my subjects so if I buy the light blue folder it has to go with the light blue notebook.

Random Fact #3
I would rather listen to a great choir sing than most any other type of music. I spent around 3 weeks straight listening to Carmina Burana by Carl Orff. There is just something about a great choir that can get to me musically more than listening to Chris Tomlin or Sanctus Real. Oh and by the way, Carmina Burana is just amazing in it's own right.

Random Fact #4
I hear a harmony line better than I hear a melody line most of the time. I often find myself walking around campus singing songs from Choir and trying to sing the melody and can't because I hear the harmony too well...that and I sing the harmony 9 times out of 10 for that is my part. Along the same lines, I am a sucker for a good alto line. A composer who can compose an alto line that isn't the same 3 notes over and over again has got my vote and my respect. One of the more annoying things in life as an alto is to be handed a piece of music where your vocal abilities are not tested and not explored. (Bach Cantata movement 4 comes to mind for all my NGU Singers readers).

Random Fact #5
I hate odd numbers. They bother me extensively. Now as an Art major things in 3s are good however, in everyday non art major life I don't like them. 3 people at an amusement park is not always fun because someone ends up sitting alone. NOT COOL. I don't like because I don't think it's fair to make one person sit by themselves all the time. Pet Peeve. Things in even numbers are just better.

Random Fact #6
One of my favorite books in the Bible is Jonah. A lot of people don't understand this. The best way I can explain it is this:
1) Reluctant Servant-Jonah tried his hardest to not follow God's will and go about his way because he was too scared to fail. He saw only his own power instead of God's power through him. I love this because I feel I can relate on many levels. I have often been scared of failing the task at hand and realize that God is the one in control, not I.
2) I love the fact that in Jonah the other shipmen just call him out and ask what he had done. To me I see this as another pointing out of God's to be accountable to others for your actions, another cry to have accountability in your life. AWESOME
3) Once Jonah does get to Ninevah a whole city is changed by the word from God he brings. AN ENTIRE CITY. Now, imagine. Greenville, South Carolina is brought a word from God himself through a man like Jonah...would we listen? Or would we be so distracted by all the noise from others that we disregard his words for just another evangelist speaking? Come on guys, an entire city was changed just by the words God used through Jonah. When are we going to start listening?
4) This part is probably my favorite, again most might not understand why. Jonah got angry with God. Too often we find ourselves in positions of "uncomfort" or "unpleasantness." Most the time our immediate reaction is to blame God, instead of thanking him for the opportunity to grow as Christians. To me the trials should be one of the most flattering things God could do for us. Follow me here. We, as Christians, know that God will not allow more to be put on us than he puts in us. Every situation we go through, God already knows we are capable of making it out. That should be so flattering to us that God would give us challenges because He knows we will be okay and draw closer to him. But anyways, Jonah got angry. God, as always shows His compassion and faithfulness to Jonah. AMAZING.

Random Fact #7
I used to be left handed. I know, I know "used to be?" So here's what happened. I was left handed when I first started writing. However, around the time that I was 5 or 6 I bought a baseball mit. It had a ninja turtle on it (my brother loved them and well he is older so I thought he would think I was cool for having it and he helped me pick out so you know). Anyways, in my little brain I thought that if you were left handed you would catch with your left hand so I bought it under that impression. However, I took it with me to church the next Wednesday or Sunday (I don't remember now) and Chris Blakwell looked at me and said "so you're right handed?" and I said that I was left handed and he said that I had bought a right handed glove. So I took that to mean that I was in fact right handed and switched my writing hand to the right. For a while I was ambedextrous. To this day I still am left hand dominant in some things. For instance, I throw a frisbee left handed.

Random Fact #8
I have a massive assortment of jewelry that I never wear. I am pretty much satisified with my signature items (birthstone cross necklace, class ring, watch, and my diamond stud earrings). Every so often I will pull out others, if I know I have a pair of earrings that match or a necklace. However, it is a lot easier for me to not change things because I am a creature of habit. If my jewelry collection is not directly in front of me I will most likely not pull it out. You seriously would be surprised at all I have. I could fill a 3 drawer desktop organizer with it all.

Random Fact #9
I don't eat things with weird textures. That probably needs explanation. It doesn't matter much to me what it actually tastes like. I'm not sure I taste much actually. But if the texture is funny feeling in my mouth I will not like it. For instance, Riccota cheese...can't stand it. I couldn't tell you what it tastes like, only what it felt like in my mouth and that is why I have pretty much sworn it off. It grossed me out. I'm not sure where this quirk came from.

Random Fact #10
M&Ms and Popcorn are my favorite thing to eat as a snack. My taste buds are very sensitive to the sweet and salty. For instance, I can eat salt by itself and think nothing of it. I can also do the same with sugar. Usually if I eat salt by itself I will need to follow it up with a sugar packet to balance it out. So M&Ms and Popcorn are the perfect combination for me. You have to put the M&Ms in right as the popcorn is still hot. It is amazing. Don't knock it until you try it. Trust me. Of course if you don't like it, that's cool too. Just think of me when you do try it

Random Fact #11
I compartmentalize everything. I really do mean everything. If it were possible to draw a diagram on here and show you how I see things in my mind I would do it, for my words will not accurately describe this. However, here we go. Let's use Facebook as an example. When I go to my Facebook sight my head sees that as it center. To go to my profile is to go to the right, to go to Rosie's however, is to go to the left. That is how I visualize Facebook working in my mind. Now, for the months. To me they are broken down into little boxes. January-April are in one box, May and June are one, July is by itself, August-Mid October have their own boxes and then the rest are in a box together. The weeks in those months are also broken down, but I think you might have a good enough idea for what I'm saying, if not I can draw you a diagram and you might understand more.

Random Fact #12
I love music that is not from my Generation. I love 50s/60s/and some 70s music. I would pick listening to a 50s collection over listening to a CD from today. Currently The Beach Boys' "Don't Worry Baby" is on my iTunes. I have a strange love for the Beach Boys. As well Leslie Gore. Ahh, I really think musically I was born in the wrong generation. Oh well.

That is all for this randomness, if you made it this far applaud yourself and then go listen to "Dreams" by the Cranberries and do a little jig. (that song is my "good mood music"...that tid bit is extra)